Maize & Blue Cupboard | staff the cupboard

Description: College students and staff are experiencing food insecurity at alarming rates. The Maize and Blue Cupboard is here to provide an immediate and comprehensive response for the U-M community. By offering resources, educational opportunities, compassionate support and more, we help students develop the skills to make informed decisions. 

You will have the opportunity to volunteer in the Cupboard doing a variety of different tasks ultimately leading to the task of fighting hunger with our students!

Day and Time: M-F 2:45-5:00pm & 5:00-7:00pm

Family Friendly: Sadly, not really.

What to wear: Closed toe shoes

What to bring: Nothing

Questions? Email Todd Sanford.


additional info

Openings: 2 spots for each time period

Address: 420 S. State Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109


Maize & Blue Cupboard | Unload Delivery


Adopt-A-Highway | Park n Ride Off Miller & M-14